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Tuesday 31 May 2011

Drive Angry 3D (2011) DVDRIP MEDIAFIRE


 [Movie Title]----------[Drive Angry
[Release Year]---------[2010
[Genre]----------------[Action | Fantasy | Thriller
[File Size]------------[735 MB
[Hosted site]----------[mediafire.com
[IMDB Rating]----------[5.7/10 (11,875 votes)


Megamind: The Button of Doom (2011) DVDRIP MEDIAFIRE

[Movie Title]----------[Megamind: The Button of Doom
[Release Year]---------[2011
[Genre]----------------[Animation | Short | Comedy
[File Size]------------[790 MB
[Hosted site]----------[mediafire.com
[IMDB Rating]----------[6.4/10 (228 votes)

kungfu panda 2 mediafire

It may seem like damning with faint praise to say that Kung Fu Panda 2 play and feel like a real movie. " But actually, I use the term in the context of how most adult viewers will see the film. In a world where the successor is only seen as an extension over its predecessor, respected, and every animated viewed primarily as food for the children (although Pixar masterpieces), is doubly difficult for a non-Toy Story sequel creative animation independence and achieve a critical mass.

But like his stupid, clumsy hero, is not likely, Kung Fu Panda 2 succeeded against all odds. It was like an independent film. Here is a sequel that not only funny and entertaining far beyond the original 2008, but failed so majestically above and beyond his predecessor almost obsolete. If it were not for the stigma that comes along with a sequel - a film about a hungry, fart, kung fu bears, no less - Kung Fu Panda 2 will be near the drive-in next year's Best Animated
Feature Oscar. It is so special.

Rango - - As it stands, another hero can take home an Oscar, not undeservingly. But strangely, Kung Fu Panda 2 shares some central theme of the otherwise very different films, particularly the very human struggle for its identity with the past of a person to reconcile. While Rango mapped vague point in seeking an answer to "Who Am I?" question, Kung Fu Panda 2 tread the conventional path to enlightenment is more cinematic.But finding the heart in the character, who opened his magic in the story. The movie was exciting and emotional and involved in the nicest way Big Summer Movie. This is a roundhouse kick to the fans, the movie giddy pleasure of sleeping in even the most cynical critics.